Revista Paint & Pintura - Edição 226

ABRAFATI PREVIEW PAINT&PINTURA | Outubro 2017 | 69 market. We’re also showcasing the NC 795 coalescing agent, a benchmark product for decorative paints. Also in the spo- tlight are the micronized waxes from US-based company Micropowders. They’re high-tech products based on synthetic waxes, polyethylene, polypropylene, PTFE, nylon, amides, and polyurethanes, among other materials, and are available in various particle sizes. The big highlight from this wax range is Microtouh 850XF, a product that delivers special, soft-touch finishes with high durability to the most varied of segments of the paint and coatings industry.” Aromat is also exhibiting inorganic pigments from the companies Dynakrom, based in Mexico -dichromates and molybda- tes - and Hyrox, based in China. “These are quality products featuring great hiding power, excellent reproducibility, and high tinting strength. They are key ingredients in paints and coatings requiring high strength and durability, while being also strongly recommended for plastics,” says Fernando Rosa. ATA TENSOATIVOS Ata Tensoativos has a comprehensive range of additives and surfactants for all types of solvent-based, solvent-free or water- -based coatings and pigments, according to sales manager José Henrique Fejfar. “As a point of difference, not only do we supply locally-made products that deliver excellent value for money, we also have professionals and the structure needed to support various requirements and applications. We also stand out for our massive investment in new developments and technical assistance, while being the only 100-percent domestic producer who owns key, cutting-edge technologies to manufacture additives and surfactants.” Fejfar says that Ata Tensoativos’ main product launching at Abrafati 2017 is the Surfata MR line of rheology agents. “They are urethane associative rheology modifiers that provide low-to-high-shear viscosity values, but with a few added advan- tages, such as low viscosity alterationwhen usedwith glycol concentrates, increasedmechanical strength andwashability, and the ability to function at any pH level, in all kinds of water-based paints.” BANDEIRANTE BRAZMO During Abrafati 2017, Bandeirante Brazmo will be introducing new developments to the paint and coatings industry, accor- ding to market manager José Carlos Menezes. “From our range of coalescing agents, we are highlighting, together with Dow, its manufacturer, a low-odor, low-VOC product that enhances the performance of coatings in abrasion resistance tests. We’re also showcasing a broad range of surfactants designed for paints and emulsions. In addition, we can point out the solid acrylic resins from Lucite, which this year is introducing its Elvacite line of acrylic resins for hot seal applications.” Distribuímos pigmentos e especialidade químicas da mais alta qualidade, oferecendo aos clientes assistência técnica e consultoria em possíveis aplicações. (11) 3031-7903 o Aditivos UV o Antioxidante o Azul Ultramar o Barita o Caulim Calcinado o Coalescente o Dióxido de Titânio o Óxidos de Ferro o Pigmentos Perolados o Sulfato de Bário Sempre atentos A NOVAS SOLUÇÕES