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Setembro 2009
Abrafati 2009
Abrafati 2009
he 11th Inter-
national Paint
Congress and 11th
International Exhibition
of Suppliers to the Paint
Industry, known for
short as Abrafati 2009,
will take place from September 23
to 25 in São Paulo with the theme
“The Paint of The Future,” empha-
sizing the latest developments and
innovations in connection with the
sustainability of the paint supply
Around 150 Brazilian and interna-
tional companies will participate in
the trade show, introducing signifi-
cant innovations in raw materials,
paint production processes and the
environmental impact thereof. This
year’s edition will be more interna-
tional than the previous one, with a
substantial presence of companies
based in Europe, North America and
“Brazil and Latin America are
viewed in other countries as ma-
rkets with outstanding opportuni-
ties due to their potential and the
lower impact that the crisis has
had on their economies compared
to more developed countries. At the
same time, companies with local
operations which have traditionally
participated are very confident in
the trade show, considering it a
priority in their strategies for this
and the next few years, as well as
an ideal venue to introduce pro-
ducts, technologies and services,”
says Dilson Ferreira, Abrafati’s chief
executive officer.
A large number of lectures at the
11th International Paint Congress
Abrafati 2009 to approach
“The Paint of The Future”
will demonstrate on-going research
efforts and recent developments in
connection with sustainability and
future paint-related requirements.
The congress program shows the
large number of lectures to be gi-
ven on environmental issues, given
the increasing relevance of the
theme for society and the future
of our plant, which reinforces the
concern about and commitment
to sustainability among compa-
nies across the supply chain. The
reduction or elimination of VOCs
(volatile organic compounds),
lower energy and water consump-
tion in production processes, raw
materials from renewable sources
and waste management will be
the highlights among the issues to
be addressed by highly reputable
experts from all over the world. In
the form of lectures or posters, at-
tenders will be able to learn about
cutting-edge technology studies,
as well as innovative raw mate-
rials and processes, which improve
paint performance, add functiona-
lity to paint formulations, reduce
costs and have a lesser impact on
the environment.
The opportunity for interaction
between technicians and managers
is considered one of the greatest
benefits towards the development of
the industry and for Brazil to keep
a dynamic, strong, up-to-date paint
supply chain. “The far-reaching pro-
gram for the congress and the wide
range of innovations being intro-
duced by major companies will help
the professionals in the industry to
acquire in-depth knowledge and a
panoramic view of what is already
taking place, as well as trends for
the future,” Abrafati’s CEO sums up.
Abrafati-RadTech Seminar on
Radiation Curing
The radiation curing technologies
are certainly a key component for
the discussions and studies rela-
ted to “the paint of the future,” in
that they are associated with such
benefits as environment protection,
reduced costs and improved pro-
ductivity. Accordingly, Abrafati and
RadTech South America, a leading
entity with global presence engaged
in the study and dissemination of
the ultraviolet (UV) and electron
beam (EB) curing technologies,
decided to enter into an unpre-
cedented partnership to hold an
international seminar on the theme
during the 11th International Paint
The seminar will be held on the
three days of the congress, from
September 23 to 25, 2009, with
a rich program and focus on the
various aspects of the application
of these technologies and related
innovations. On the first day, there
will be an extensive debate on the
state of development of the UV
curing technology and its prospects,
in which experts will participate
coming from several parts of the
world at the request of the North
American, European and Asian Ra-
dTech branches.
On days two and three, a set of
ten lectures will allow attenders
to learn about the latest, most
cutting-edge research and develo-
pment efforts in this field. Aspects
that are already known, such as
fast, efficient curing processes and
the fact that they result in virtu-
ally no volatile organic compounds
(VOCs), will naturally be stressed
by the presentations. However,