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Setembro 2009
With an exhibition and a congress, the latest innovations and cutting-edge solutions
for sustainability across the supply chain will be demonstrated by around 150 com-
panies based in Brazil and abroad.
Por Lucélia Monfardini
greater emphasis will be placed
on innovative applications and
the latest developments, such as
UV-curing water-based coatings
(WB-UV). Another example are
some technological breakthroughs
that have made UV coatings more
viable for automotive refinish by
incorporating such features as
adhesion to metallic substrates
and flexibility.
The equipment involved in the UV
curing process, such as lamps, ra-
diometers and other devices, will be
in the spotlight in several lectures
addressing different aspects of its
use. Another lecture will be given
on the trend towards seeking lower
viscosity values and increasing
pigmentation levels in printing ink
applications and the consequences
Systems employing the double cure
technology will be stressed as well,
which are based on a combination
of ultraviolet curing and PU 2K. The
program further extends to mate-
rials known as bioligomers, which
are set apart for being produced
from renewable sources, while pre-
serving quality in the end product
and providing such benefits as low
VOCs, low energy consumption and
high productivity.
“A high-quality program has been
put together which is directly
linked with the central theme
for Abrafati 2001 in order to add
value to the trade show. We are
certain that by bringing toge-
ther renowned experts to discuss
current themes, the congress will
arouse interest in professionals
who seek to improve their know-
ledge of this important technolo-
gy,” days Ferreira.
A traditional supplier of raw ma-
terials, Adexim-Comexim has been
reinventing itself since 1964 to keep
pace the developments in logistics
and technology and serve customers
Adexim-Comexim has dynamic,
qualified personnel to assist custo-
mers in identifying the product that
best fits each application, explain
specifications, provide samples and
monitor the running of tests and
their results.
As a regular participant in the
Abrafati trade show, for the 2009
edition Adexim-Comexim will hold
is 5th Technical Seminar, which has
been confirmed for September 22nd,
to update customers on its entire
product range, both technically and
commercially. The company’s in-
ternational suppliers have ensured
that their presence to attend to the
Adexim-Comexim will exhibit visual
color control stations, weathering
and light-fastness testing chambers,
dispersers and homogenizers, spe-
cialty and multifunctional additives,
atapulgites, calcium carbonates,
kaolins, grinding beads, inorganic
thickeners, glass flakes, corrosion
inhibitors and hollow microbeads.
During the trade show, Agecom
Produtos de Petroleo will be exhi-
biting its broad range of solvents,
stressing turpentine, xylol, toluol
and hexane, as well as the envi-
ronment-friendly line (products
with low aromatic contents and a
broad distillation range). Practi-
cally all systems use hydrocarbon
solvents, with emphasis on alkyd
resins, polyesters and some acrylic
In addition, the company will sho-
wcase its mineral oil-based defo-
amers, which are used in several
industries, including sugar and
ethanol. These products feature
outstanding performance, chemical
stability and shock resistance.
Agro Química Maringá
Agro Química Maringá has par-
tnerships with highly reputable
companies that enable it to produce
a wide range of products for the
paint industry. Its inventories are
sized so as to enable prompt delive-
ries. Customers are provided with
permanent technical support by
professionals having extensive expe-
rience in the industry. The company
values physical presence at custo-
mer sites and seeks to create close
relationships with customers.
The head office is located in Dia-
dema, São Paulo, comprising large
facilities and a team consisting
entirely of its own employed person-
nel. That results in better process
control and a safe, appropriate
storage of all products. Agro Quími-
ca Maringá’s regional offices serve
customers in a personalized fashion,
providing them with all of the
support that they need and nation-
wide coverage. Maringá has a fast
decision-making process, under-
pinned by an efficient management
system, making it a company easy
to do business with.
For Abrafati 2009, the company
intends to further strengthen its
brand in the paint industry, tighten
its relationships with both custo-