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Setembro 2009
use in printing inks and decorative
paints. New series will be launched
in the Stanlux Gold and Pell Gold
Altmann, along with its US-based
represented company Q-Lab, will
be promoting their weather testing
equipment, which are essential for
paint manufacturers to determine
the durability of their paints and
other materials exposed to the ac-
tion of the weather. The simulations
allow to determine whether the ap-
plied material will peel off, crack or
lose color, gloss or other properties,
and to prevent it.
The company will also introduce the
MA98, a new, multi-angle spectro-
photometer for color matching, es-
pecially for the automotive industry,
which can measure at 10 different
angles and show where the relevant
problem is, such as covering, color,
formula and process.
Amtex Group
Amtex, a Latin American producer
of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC),
will participate in Abrafati 2009
in partnership with its distributor
Intercom. At a 73 sq. mt booth, the
company will showcase its Tixotrol
line for the paint industry.
The group combines quality pro-
ducts with environmental preser-
vation, great service and the best
technical support for its customers.
Araxá Minérios, a supplier of
minerals to the ceramic, rubber,
plastic and paint industries, will be
at Abrafati 2009 showcasing a new
product that provides a number of
benefits when used in the manu-
facture of paints and coatings.
After five years of research, Araxá
succeeded in developing a colored
mineral extender —a non-metallic
mineral that belongs to the alumi-
num silicate family, such as kaolin
and agalmatolite, which are set
apart for their natural color, due to
the high iron oxide content of their
chemical composition.
A large portion of the paints and
coatings produced today have
aluminum silicate in their for-
mulation in the form of kaolin or
agalmatolite, as well as iron oxide
pigments. The colored mineral
extender substitutes for part of
those fillers and pigments. Proces-
sed in state-of-the-art equipment,
they ensure a uniform particle
size. The products are available in
three standard colors: yellow, red
and green.
Arch Química
Arch Química will introduce its new
family of bactericides and fungici-
des, highlighting the Proxel BZ Plus,
which will provide paint manufac-
turers with a synergetic preserva-
tion in the packaging material. The
product provides a unique action
model, using the technologies
from the Proxel bactericide brand
combined with those of the Oma-
dine fungicides to inhibit bacterial
growth in latex emulsions, water-
based paints, pigment dispersions,
grouting powders, adhesives, addi-
tives for concrete and carbonate
slurries and other materials, neither
causing microbiological resistance
nor change the physicochemical
properties of the preserved product,
such as pH and color.
In addition, Arch Química will
introduce the new products from its
Proxel line, which are formulated
with zero VOC in the form of dis-
persion and micro-emulsion, such
as Proxel GL20, Proxel DCB, Proxel
BN, Proxel MB and Proxel MB4, the
Triadine line of bactericides and the
Zinc Omadine ZOE line of fungici-
des and bacteriostats for dry film,
highlighting the Zinc Omadine
ZOE 3X carbendazim- and diuron-
free aqueous dispersion with triple
action (bactericidal, fungicidal and
Concerning its customer support,
Arch Química Brazil will provide
customers with new technologies
for microbiological and analytic
control of end products that will
ensure greater robustness, flexibili-
ty and speed for sending results to
Arinos’ Coatings Division will be
exhibiting at Abrafati 2009 its
entire product range, launches and
innovations, all with the quality
assured by the companies that it
represents. Products to be on display
include acetates, alcohols, amines,
Arisolve, coalescent agents, glycols
and di-glycols, isocyanates, me-
thacrylates, pigments, ethoxylated
nonylphenol, resins, silicas, silico-
nes, solvents, casein and sulfates.
From its represented company DSM
Neorins+, Arinos’ Coatings Division
will launch a line of polyester resins
for application in powder coatings,
and melamine resins, for general
In addition, DSM Neorins+ will
provide a lecture at the congress en-
titled “Various cross-linking mecha-
nisms for application and parquet
flooring systems,” which will be
delivered by Fernando Silva, André
Harmsen and Marc Roelands.
Arkema is a global chemical com-
pany consisting of three cohesive
and interrelated businesses: vinyl
products, industrial chemicals, and
performance products.
Present in 40 countries with 14,000
employees, Arkema has six research
centers in France, the United States
and Japan, as well as interna-
tionally recognized trademarks.
Arkema occupies a leading posi-
tion in its main markets served. Its
products include organic peroxides,
Fascat tin-based catalysts, glacial
acrylic acid (GAA), butyl acrylate
(BA), 2-ethyl-hexyl acrylate (2EHA),
ethyl acrylate (EA), methacrylic acid
(MAA), and methyl acrylate (MA).
While exhibiting its well-established
products for solvent-based appli-
cations, Aromat will be at Abrafati
2009 introducing the new Bentone
DE and DY-CE that have been laun-