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Setembro 2009
plies a whole range of equipment
specifically designed for quality
control. The machines control
tinting, viscosity, gloss, roughness,
thickness, dry layers and wet layers.
The analytic control can be perfor-
med in a laboratory or on line with
specific industrial process control
The Braseq team is always availa-
ble to develop methodologies and
configure the equipment required
for your company to be part of a
select group of manufacturers who
provide quality assurance by means
of safe, standardized analyses.
At its booth at Abrafati 2009, Bra-
silata Embalagens Metálicas will be
exhibiting a comprehensive range
of packaging materials that meet
the needs of the paint, adhesive and
chemical industries.
The highlight for this year’s edi-
tion is the company’s latest launch,
the UN 18-liter can designed for
transporting hazardous products.
The new can is stronger and leaves
behind the complex process of triple
capping, which requires investment
in special equipment.
Because it is an innovative techno-
logy, Brasilata has filed an appli-
cation for international patent. As
it did with other products that it
has developed, Brasilata will license
the technology to manufacturers in
other countries.
Brenntag distributes a number of
specialty formulations to the paint
industry. In addition to distributing
them, the company is a great for-
mulator of thinners, nitrocellulose
solutions and customized formu-
lations to meet customer-specific
Investing in specialty chemicals,
providing objective, practical solu-
tions, making technical resources
available to evaluate and suggest
formulations aimed at high perfor-
mance, and providing great value
for money, Brenntag believes that it
will make an important contribu-
tion to the industry that it serves.
During Abrafati 2009, Cabot will
highlight its range of speciality car-
bon blacks, including products for
UV curing applications, conductive
and treated pigments which provide
great hiding power in water and
solvent-based coatings for the auto-
motive industry. Cabot also provi-
des carbon black grades approved
for contact with foods and potable
Other highlights include the Cab-
O-Sil line of fumed silicas, featuring
thixotropic, pigment and filler anti-
settling and anti-slip properties, as
well as improved flow an applica-
tion, enhanced mechanical proper-
ties, and better adhesion; and the
SpectrAl line of fumed silicas, which
provide greater abrasion resistance,
and better adhesion and gloss for
some compounds, while acting as a
protective, matting and flow agent
for powder systems.
Carbono Química promises several
novelties for the market during
Abrafati 2009. A major highlight is
the addition to Carbono’s product
range of curing agents from Indian-
based company Atul. Carbono will
also introduce resins under its own
brand, photoinitiators, polyether
amines (Jeffamine) and ethylene
amines, as well as environmentally
friendly solvents, silanes and silo-
Since June Carbono has been the
official distributor in Brazil of Atul,
a chemical manufacturer. Carbono
has added Atul’s curing and har-
dening agents for epoxy resins to
its product portfolio. In particular,
reactive dilutants will be focused on
the Brazilian market.
Carbono will also exhibit the
polyether amines (Jeffamine) and
ethylene amines from Huntsman,
photoinitiators from IHT, environ-
ment-friendly solvents from Total
Fluidos, and silanes and siloxanes
from Momentive.
Two lectures will be delivered by
Carbono during the 11th Interna-
tional Paint Congress. One of them
will be conducted by Hugo Wizen-
berg, from the company’s techni-
cal staff, under the theme “New
Technologies in Organometallic
Salts. Mr. Wizenberg will speak
about different technologies and
the potential of this product line
in the distributor’s portfolio. The
other lecture will be given by a Total
Fluids official, who will address the
replacement of aromatic solvents.
Cerviflan will be at Abrafati 2009