Revista Paint & Pintura - Edição 192 - page 11

Withhigh-endtechnical lectures,theprogramforthe16thPaint
&Pintura Coatings Technology andManagement Forumwas
really special, providing lots of information and introducing
innovations frommajor suppliers of rawmaterials andequip-
ment,suchasCabot, Intertank,D’Altomare,Polystell,quantiQ,
MAST, andMomentive.
The lecturesonmanagement-related themeswerepresented
by Francisco Racz, of Racz Consultoria, Luis Manuel Ribeiro
The forumwas kicked off by the opening plenary session
entitled, “BrazilianPaintMarket: ABriefOutlookon 2013 and
Prospects for 2020”, comprising data on the Brazilian paint
market for 2013by segment andhow it has evolvedover the
past fewyears.
Theplenarysessionwasfollowedbya lecturefromCabotonthe
on Paint Application,” delivered by Léa Sgai, marketing and
technical servicemanager forLatinAmerica.
Also among the companies participating in the forumwas
Intertank, with its lecture “Stainless Steel IBCs – Safety, Eco-
nomy andRegulations,” provided by salesmanager Emiliano
Then came D’Altomarewith the lecture entitled “New Tech-
nologies for DecorativePaints,” deliveredby coatings expert
In the afternoon period, Polystell joined the ranks of forum
participantswith its lectureon“AdditiveSolutionsforPremium
Formulations,”presentedby salesmanagerAfonsoMonteiro
andJoséJordanoPernomian,ofTechnical Sales.
quantiQcamenextwith the lecture“OptimizationofFormula-
Rubio,ofTechnical Support,MarketingandNewBusiness.
Thereupon,MAST took to the stagewith the lecture“Quality
CEOat theMASTGroup.
Momentive’s lecturewasonthetheme“ImprovingPerforman-
ce inEpoxy-PolysiloxaneCoatings,”deliveredbyAndréVictor
Danc,marketingmanager, Silanes, LatinAmerica.
Next came LM Coatings Adviser’s technical consultant and
director LuisManuel RibeiroMota, who covered the theme
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