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Setembro 2009
dispersion which enables the for-
mulation of highly water-resistant
Acronal DS 6282X is a pure acrylic
dispersion used for formulating
stain-resistant coatings.
Baston is an all-Brazilian company
specializing in the development of
products for the aerosol market.
Baston is launching two new addi-
tions to its product portfolio: the
Utility polyurethane foam, available
in three versions designed to impro-
ve, streamline and optimize applica-
tions, 300 ml/190 g Pu 5/2 (5 liters,
fixation of 2 doors), 500 ml/340 g Pu
11/5 (11 liters, fixation of 5 doors),
and 524 ml/493 g Pu 19/11 (19
liters, fixation of 11 doors). They are
also use for thermal and acous-
tic insulation, sealing, preventing
infiltrations and leaks, among other
Another launch is a paint remo-
ver formulated with high quality
materials. It is recommended and
approved for removing acrylic var-
nishes and paints. It is so effective
that it softens and causes the old
paint film to corrugate in just a few
minutes, enabling removal with a
spatula or steel-wool both safely
and easily.
Bayer MaterialScience
At Abrafati 2009, Bayer MaterialS-
cience will exhibit modern water-
based technologies that are part
of the company’s global strategy,
known by the slogan “water is
green”. The new technologies will be
highlighted by the new generation
from the Bayhydur, Bayhydrol, Des-
modur and Desmophen lines of two-
component polyurethane systems
designed for coatings for wood and
furniture. In addition, the company
will showcase its Dispercoll line of
aqueous dispersions for adhesives
and the Desmolux unsaturated
polyester and urethane resins.
“Bayer is a pioneer in aqueous syste-
ms for paints and coatings, and we
channel our investments to research
on this technology. Our philoso-
phy is the same in other markets
that we serve, such adhesives and
cosmetics,” says Alberto Hassessian,
marketing manager, coatings, adhe-
sives and specialties, Latin America.
According to Mr. Hassessian, Bayer
MaterialScience’s commitment to
innovation is permanent, irrespec-
tive of whether we are in times of
crisis or not. “We’re currently bet-
ting on a sustainable development
of products to ensure the success of
our future business, providing be-
nefits not only to the environment,
but also those who handle, apply
and use our products,” Mr. Hasses-
sian adds.
Bomix is a company specializing in
the manufacture of plastic buckets
and bulk containers. At Abrafati
2009, the company will introduce its
Heat Transfer technology for deco-
rating plastic buckets with opera-
tional efficiency and photographic
printing quality. It enables up to
7-color gravure printed labels to be
transferred in a simplified manner
to buckets ranging from 3.6 to 22
liters, with emphasis on 18-liter
paint buckets. The Heat Transfer
technology stands out for its unma-
tched intense gloss, high durability
and 100-percent recyclability.
Bomix’s Blowing Division, focused
on bulk containers, will be laun-
ching the new BXS5G and BXS 5C95
models, while showcasing its 10
and 20-liter containers, all certi-
fied under the applicable technical
Braschemical, celebrating its 20
years in the marketplace, will be
at Abrafati 2009 introducing the
new additions to its portfolio, such
as Everlight, a line of UV absor-
bers for water-based paints. The
Everlight UV absorbers efficiently
prevent gloss and color loss and the
delamination caused by UV light.
Advantages to using the Everlight
UV absorbers include easy handling,
improved gloss retention and excel-
lent color retention.
Along with CPKelco, Braschemical
will introduce the Kelzan series of
low-molecular-weight xanthan
gums, which are anionic polysac-
charides produced by a fermenta-
tion process. The Kelzan products
are used as thickeners for water-ba-
sed systems, including suspensions
and emulsions.
Emerald Foam Control will show-
case its range of organosilicone,
silicone and synthetic defoamers,
which provide good leveling, antis-
tatic and lubricity properties. From
Lubrizol, the AMPS series will be on
display for customers who need a
lower molecular weight in polyme-
rization. These products find their
applications in a number of areas,
particularly textiles, paper, adhesi-
ves, water treatment and cosmetics.
On the surface additives front, Bras-
chemical will exhibit its Liquimatt
waxes, which provide matting and
scratch resistance properties, as
wall as a satin touch.
Braschemical will also take the op-
portunity to officially announce the
new production site for Lubrizol’s
Antarol, which used to be manu-
factured in Rio de Janeiro and is
now coming from Emerald’s plant
in Argentina. Emerald will take over
the distribution of Antarol in the
local market.
Over its 22 years of experience, Bra-
seq Brasileira de Equipamentos has
become a national benchmark for
sales of analytic equipment for la-
boratories and industrial processes.
Always aiming at excellence in ser-
vice, relying on a team of professio-
nals highly qualified to specify its
instruments, Braseq has its techni-
cal staff trained by the manufactu-
rers to provide full after-sales sup-
port, ensuring users that everything
will run smoothly.
Among other market segments,
Braseq has been increasingly
well-established in the paint and
coatings market, for which it sup-