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Setembro 2009
acronym stands for the main featu-
res of these pigments, as LO stands
for low oil absorption, and M for
micronized. The low oil absorption
reduces the consumption of such
additives as wetting, leveling and
drying agents. Because they are
micronized, the Bayferrox LOM pig-
ments feature outstanding disper-
sibility, which results in improved
fineness and lower energy consump-
tion in paint manufac-
turing processes.
At Abrafati 2009,
LyondellBasell will be
promoting itself as a
new company who was
born a large business in
2007 and ranked third
in sales in 2008 among
all chemical companies
worldwide. The com-
pany will highlight some
of the products that it
provides for the paint
and coatings industry,
such glycol esters (P and
E series, as solvents/co-
alescent agents – butyl
glycol, Arcosolve PM,
DPM and PMA), styrene
monomers (SM), vinyl
acetate monomers
(VAM), butanediol and
derivatives —BDO/NMP/
GBL—, tert-butyl acetate
(TBAc), propylene glycols
—PG and DPG—, and
ethylene glycols —MEG
and DEG.
The company will also
emphasize its range
of oxygenated solvents,
including the P series, consisting of
biodegradable solvents that are less
harmful to users than aromatic,
aliphatic or the E series oxygenated
Makeni Chemicals
Makeni Chemicals is a distributor
and sales representative in Brazil of
international companies with which
it has strategic relations to import
and distribute chemicals and petro-
chemicals in the domestic market
under exclusive conditions. It is re-
cognized for providing solutions for
the distribution of raw materials,
as well as logistic, operational and
technical support, whose extensive
portfolio includes waxes, coalescent
agents, dispersants, acrylic emul-
sions, monomers, vegetable oils,
natural polyol and solvents.
With headquarters in Diadema,
São Paulo, and a branch in Aratu,
Bahia, the distributor imports sol-
vents for distribution in the domes-
tic market. Ipel sells approximately
45,000 cubic meters/tons of mate-
rials to customers every year. The
company has a technical laboratory
for simulations, a coatings applica-
tion laboratory, and an automatic
packing unit.
Makeni’s philosophy is to work in
a sustainable manner, based on
socially just, culturally accepted
pillars of environmental friendliness
and economic feasibility. Therefore,
it brings to Abrafati 2009 its sustai-
nability concepts under the motto
“Chemistry and Sustainability,”
which is already a reality at Makeni.
In addition to the new products in
its portfolio, the company will also
introduce raw materials
based on vegetable oils
which may eventually re-
place synthetic chemicals.
The company also provides
low-VOC solutions.
MAST will introduce to
the market the products
from its new represented
companies Q-Lab and PELT,
as well as the traditional
ranges from BYK-Gardner
and HERO.
Q-Lab, a company speciali-
zing in providing material
durability testing products,
will be displaying its test
substrates, as well as wea-
thering, light stability and
corrosion testers, including
xenon test chambers, natu-
ral sunlight concentrators,
cyclic corrosion testers, and
condensation testers. PELT
will showcase its multilayer
ultrasonic thickness gauge,
which provides non-des-
tructive measurements on
various substrates, inclu-
ding plastics.
BYK-Gardner will be exhi-
biting is comprehensive
range of quality control equipment,
such as gloss meters, haze meters,
orange peel meters, spectrophoto-
meters, multi-angle spectrophoto-
meters with camera, washability
testers, viscosimeters, application
equipment, thickness gauges, BYKO-
Charts, viscosity tubes, grindome-
ters, cryptometers and adherence
testers. HERO, a supplier of manual
and automatic dispensers, will