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Setembro 2009
and water-based systems, specialty
solvents, functional polymers, such
as coupling agents and impact
modifiers for compounds and blends
designed for engineering plastics,
intermediate chemicals and acrylic
and methacrylic monomers for poly-
merization of polyester and acrylic
resins, hydroquinone polymeriza-
tion inhibitors, and EVA for adhesi-
ve formulations for low-temperatu-
re applications.
Mineração de Caulim Monte
Mineração de Caulim Monte Pascoal
has 15 years of experience in Brazil,
and relies on the partnership and
support from Adexim-Comexim as
a representative and provider of
technical support.
With deposits and industrial
facilities located in Prado, Bahia,
Monte Pascoal has a capacity of
60,000 tons per year and focuses
all efforts on research and develop-
ment to produce the ideal blend for
each application, while providing
permanent support with formulae
for significant savings. With its
strict quality control, the company
minimizes the risk of contamination
during processes of producing, han-
ding and transporting materials.
With various grades already largely
supplied to the domestic market
and its proven flexibility to adapt
for several kinds of applications
with major advantages, including
as titanium dioxide extender, the
kaolin from Monte Pascoal has na-
turally delaminated lamellar parti-
cles that set the product apart for
enabling exclusive specifications at
highly competitive prices. Monte
Pascoal and Adexim-Comexim will
be sharing a stand at the trade
show to receive all of those who are
interested in learning about their
products and the advantages they
Mineração São Judas
Mineração São Judas produces
calcium carbonate minerals featu-
ring high brightness (in excess of
95º) that are micronized to medium
particle sizes ranging from 2 micra
(Carbo N0) to 3 micra (Carbo N1)
and 5 micra (Carbo N) for use in de-
corative paints, UV-curing coatings
and other applications.
These minerals impart great hiding
power to decorative paints both
dry and wet as a titanium dioxide
extenders. The products from the
Carbo N line are easy to wet, while
featuring outstanding chemical
inertia, great dispersibility and
standard viscosity, thereby contri-
buting to its great surface adhesion
(high washability). They also regu-
late rheology and settling in the
paint, making it highly weather-
resistant (UV protection).
Minérios Ouro Branco
Minérios Ouro Branco is a com-
pany engaged in the business of
processing and marketing mine-
rals and cellulose fibers, as well as
distributing specialty chemicals and
pigments. At Abrafati, the products
manufactured and marketed by
Minérios Ouro Branco will be on
In the mineral additives line, the
company is highlighting micronized
performance products, such as talc,
calcium carbonate, mica, kaolin and
quartz. These products feature easy
incorporation, excellent dispersion
and a significantly reduced use of
white pigments, such as titanium
dioxide. In addition, a new calci-
nated kaolin and a new micronized
barite (finer) will be launched.
In the pigment line, emphasis will
be placed on the Ouropearl pearles-
cent pigments, as well as our rutile
and anatase titanium dioxides.
The Ouropearl line consists of the
Silver White, Rainbow, Mica Iron
and Golden series. Minérios Ouro
Branco will also launch the Leafing
series of aluminum pigments. The
pigment range is complemented by
iron oxide.
On the specialty chemicals front,
the company is putting on display
its Ourosil precipitated silicas and
Ourotix thixotropic silicas, as well
as zinc, calcium, aluminum and
magnesium stearates and zinc oxi-
des. Cellulose fibers work as thixo-
tropic agents mainly in sealants,
substituting for asbestos.
Miracema-Nuodex is celebrating its
55 years of existence, demonstrating
that hard work and quality pro-
ducts generate solidity and bright
For this year’s edition of Abrafati,
Miracema-Nuodex will stress its
latest developments: Liosperse 656,
a high-concentration, VOC-free
polymeric dispersant for pigments
in synthetic enamels; Liofoam 148,
a performance defoamer designed
for latex paints; Liocoat 878, an
alkaline additive for water-based
formulations designed to replace
ammonia and amines, commonly
used for pH adjustments; Liocoat
575, a synthetic polymeric emul-
sifier designed to incorporate and
stabilize water in enamels and
oil-based paints; the Liocide 711
broad-spectrum microbiocide for
Gram-positive and Gram-negative
bacteria, fungi, yeasts and al-
gae; Coryna 153, a fungicide in
aqueous dispersion specifically
designed for protecting dry water-
based coating films; and Coryna
DA 355, an algaecide designed to
protect the dry film from algae
Moinho Pirâmide
At Abrafati 2009, Moinho Pirâmide
celebrates its 25th anniversary with
novelties that promise to further
improve the quality of production
lines. In addition to all of the ex-
perience that is well-known to the
chemical industry, Moinho has com-
plemented its equipment range with
the MPH horizontal mill, a new
piece of machinery featuring high
efficiency in grinding, low energy
consumption, user-friendliness and
other characteristics that ensure
lower production costs.
The MPH can be used for low-,
mid- and high-viscosity products,