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Setembro 2009
adapting for every processing need.
With a system that significantly
reduces emissions of VOCs (Volatile
Organic Compounds), the new ma-
chine reduces the loss of raw mate-
rials to the environment. Available
in four versions with different
cubic capacities and electric power
values, the new MPH horizontal
mill includes a dispersion axis rota-
tion system which works at speeds
ranging from 960 to 1,130 revolu-
tions per minute.
At this year’s edition of Abrafati,
Netzsch Moagem will demonstrate
is prime grinding and dispersing
equipment for the paint and coatin-
gs industry.
The pieces on display include the
Zeta 10 mill for ultrafine grinding
of pigment dispersions, including
on a nanometric scale, and the 606
high-speed disperser (a 25 hp model
will be in exhibition). The 606 dis-
persers range from 15 to 250 hp, for
pre-dispersing bases and bulks.
From its range of laboratory equi-
pment, Netzsch will demonstrate
the Zeta 05 mill, with a 0.5 liter
grinding chamber that works as
efficiently as its production coun-
terparts, only on a laboratory scale
for batches ranging from 2 to 10
In addition to the equipment on
display, Netzsch’s corporate director
Theron Harbs will deliver a lecture
on the nano-grinding technolo-
gy and some its applications for
the paint and pigment industries,
entitled “Producing nano-particles
for the paint industry by microbead
mill and air-blast mill grinding.”
Netzsch will also take the opportu-
nity to announce a symposium on
dispersion and grinding applica-
tions for its customers in the paint
industry, which is to take place in
October in São Paulo.
Omya will show to paint and co-
atings manufactures the unique
properties that can be obtained
through the use of MCC (modi-
fied calcium carbonate), providing
specific examples, including formu-
lations, the proper incorporation of
the product into the formulations,
and the results of its evaluations.
The presentation will include situa-
tions that illustrate how to proceed
with the reduction or replacement
of pigments, fillers and matting
agents. Using MCC, formulators can
optimize their processes, reducing
production costs and inventories of
raw materials, while preserving the
quality and performance of their
Oswaldo Cruz
Oswaldo Cruz Química will introdu-
ce its new resins for the paint and
coatings industry: the Alkfort line of
alkyd resins and the Fortsolv line of
solvent-based styrene acrylic resins.
The continued evolution in Oswaldo
Cruz’s customer support services,
with emphasis on the company’s
application laboratory, further
differentiates its products in the
marketplace. The company’s labora-
tories develop and introduce to the
market products designed to exceed
customer expectations and provide
good value for money.
The Alkfort line is divided into four
series: 3000, consisting of short
alkyd resins for air and/or oven-
dried synthetic enamels which are
compatible with various syste-
ms; 3200, medium alky resins for
industrial enamels and decorative
paints, featuring great pigment
wetting; 3400, which are long alkyd
resins for industrial enamels and
decorative paints providing great
gloss retention and outstanding
spreading; and 3600, consisting of
modified alkyd resins for applica-
tion in industrial synthetic coatings
and fast-curing primers to provide
great adhesion, chemical strength,
hardness and gloss.
The highlight in the Fortsolv line
is the Fortsolv 5900 thermoplas-
tic acrylic resin for road marking
paints, acrylic varnishes and water-
proof coatings.
Oxiteno will launch a new aceta-
te that complements its product
range: Ultrasolve M 1200, a solvent
used in the formulation of automo-
tive coatings, wood coatings and
thinners. It is compatible with most
acrylic, cellulose, epoxy, polyester,
polyurethane and hybrid resins,
providing solubilization and an ex-
cellent active solvent, while contri-
buting to reducing the evaporation
rate in the system. In formulations
of thinners, as well as automotive
OEM and refinish coatings, it acts
as an aid to eliminate blushing, pre-
venting the paint from whitening
after application in high-humidity
environments. In formulations of
wood coatings, it provides the film
with outstanding leveling and gloss
properties. It is recommended for
applications with reduced VOCs,
replacing aromatic solvents, and
formulating low-toxicity adhesives
and printing inks.
Oxiteno will also exhibit a range of
vegetable oil-based products, such
as Glicenat, a high-purity (99.7%),
high-consistency, colorless, odorless,
non-corrosive USP-grade glyce-
rin that works as a wetting agent
and lubricant in the production of
paints and resins, and Ultrasolve
P-1105, a solvent used in decorative
paints to provide an excellent coa-
lescence performance, low odor and
low VOC. In addition, other pro-
jects will be presented for low-VOC
biodegradable solvents of vegetable
origin and intermediate chemicals
for synthesis as an alternative to
some petrochemical polyols that are
used in the production of resins.
Petrobras Distribuidora
Petrobras Distribuidora will be at
the trade show exhibiting its tradi-
tional line of hydrocarbon solvents
(turpentine, kerosene, toluene,
xylene and AB-9), as well as the
company’s oxygenated solvents (iso-
amyl and ethyl acetate). Following a
current trend in the paint industry
towards reducing VOC emissions, BR
will also be showcasing its range of