Revista Paint & Pintura - Edição 192 - page 16

June, andaccording to themanufacturer it delivers supe-
rior performance in terms of strength, hidingpower and
washability,asdemonstratedby laboratoriesaccreditedby
theentityguidingthe industry. Inaddition,thesepaintsare
available in 210different shades from the tintingmachine
twopiecesofnews: theCoralAcabamentoSedasilkfinish
line, and 1,016newcolorson theWandepoxywaterborne
“CoralAcrílicoTotal isfitforbothexteriorand interiorwalls
anddesignedforverydemandingpaintconsumers looking
for proven quality products. Painterswill also notice the
superior performance during application because of the
paint’sgreaterhidingpower,whichmeans improvedpro-
ductivity, speed, and quality service,” says Tintas Coral’s
Theexecutivealsoexplains that thenewproduct from the
brand is 30percentmoreabrasion-resistant than themini-
the initials inPortuguese) from theBrazilianAssociationofPaint
Manufacturers, known forshortasAbrafati, forpremiumpaints,
itshidingpower is50percenthigher,and itwithstands30percent
deSeda,apremium lineofsilkfinishdecorativepaintsfeaturing
goodhidingpowerandnoodor.Withasatintouch, theproduct
is recommended for decorating interior and exterior environ-
mentsand isavailable in2,016colorsfromtintingsystems. Itcan
beappliedonmasonry, concrete, spacklingpaste,andacrylic.
This year Tintas Coral is also releasing the new colors of the
Wandepoxy line,whichwas launched last year and isdesigned
torenovatewallandfloortiles inbathroomsandkitchens.Thus
premium paint line is now available in 1,016 colors formulated
by tinting systems and 12 ready shades. Wandepoxy is a one-
-component,water-basedproduct,whichmeans it requiresno
catalystandcanbe justdiluted inwaterand thenapplied to the
desiredsurface. It isalsoodorlessand takes fourhours twodry
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